When you are ready to make a purchase, we will require you to sign a contract for the memorial. The contract will list the cost of the memorial (including any cemetery fees), description of the memorial, inscription work to be completed, foundation size, and cemetery where memorial is to be installed.
The cost of a memorial can vary depending on the style of the memorial, size of the memorial and granite color. Our Flat Markers start at $608 and increase in price based on size and color of granite. Our Bevel-Top Markers start at $787 and our Slant-Face Markers start at $1201. Both styles increase in price based on size and color of granite. Our Two-Piece Monuments start at $2589 for one grave and $3228 for two graves and increase in price based on style of the monument, size, color of granite, finishes and special features. The prices listed are for general purposes only and are subject to change due to manufacture price increases and cost of living increases. Please contact our office for a current quote.
Our prices include lettering and design on the front of the memorial, standard cement foundation, delivery charge, and sales tax. There is an extra charge for design and lettering on the back of the memorial. We take pride in creating memorials that are unique and personalized. There is no extra charge for custom designs that portray special hobbies, interests or requests (if they are engraved on the front of the memorial). Our standard terms are fifty percent down with the balance due before delivery to the cemetery site.
Any future lettering such as final date inscriptions are not included in the original cost of the memorial. After the memorial is installed in the cemetery, we contract with a cemetery lettering service to engrave final date and other inscription work. They do an excellent job of matching our lettering. We work with families and funeral homes to make arrangements for the work to be completed.
We offer you a photo layout for your approval before the memorial is actually engraved. This will provide you with an opportunity to make changes.
Orders for memorials that we have in stock generally take about four-to-five weeks from the time you purchase it to come into our shop to be worked on. This time line can vary depending upon how many orders we have ahead of you, delay in layout approvals and other circumstances beyond our control. Orders for non-stock domestic granites can take up to three-to-four months to arrive at our shop. Delivery on imported granites that we do not have in our inventory can take up to four-to-five months.
A contract is also required for other services such as installing Veteran's Memorials, Final Date and Inscription Work. and cement foundation work.